Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas
Species/habitat associations window

This frame shows an overlay of the habitat types associated with the bird along with the breeding distribution for the species. The geographical extent of the habitat maps are limited to those areas where the bird might breed. This limiting map is not shown on this page, but may be seen on the species overview page and is shown on the zoomed-in pieces of this map.

The upper right section of the map is a legend for the colors on the map. The light and dark green are areas where the habitat occurs. The blue indicates a hexagon where the species was found. The dark green shows the areas where both the habitat occurs and the hexagon is one where the species is found. All levels of breeding observation are shown as a single color, unlike the distinction of three colors that you see on the hexagons map.

The map shows the areas described with the legend above. When you click on an area in the map, you are shown a closer view of habitat extent, giving greater definition to the boundaries of the habitat.

From this window you may navigate to several other views of the breeding status of this species. The "Overview" takes you to the page showing the thumbnail maps. The "Hexagons map" takes you to the hexagon view. The "Squares map" is similiar to the hexagons map; it shows the observations as found in the squares. The "Field observations" takes you to the list of observations for this species. The "Habitats" takes you to the map of habitat types with which this species most often associates. The "Species list" takes you back to the list of species so that you might look at another bird. The "Previous species" and "Next species" links bring up the previous or next species in the list, according to the order you had selected in the species list window.